Tuesday, May 28, 2013

'Animal style' and 'I’ve only killed one man'‏          May 27, 2013

I get emails from Stuart. It sounds like he is FB Garret everyday his spiritual message like he did with me, so he will probably email me lots. You can give the email to family, but try to encourage more people to write or else your letters are going to get shorter and shorter since we only have so much time and it takes time to read them.
Also as people are asking give out my apt address because I am like 3 hours from the mission home and we have to pick up our mail from them, so I haven’t gotten anything yet. Not because no one is sending it but because it’s going to the mission home and I am far from it! I am in the Northern most mission!
So I mention about the June 9th meeting. I guess here is what we know: On June 9th the keys of the kingdom are coming to talk to our Stake. And that’s  it, not knowing who (for the safety of the leaders, and in case it changes) so we are all excited for that to find out who is coming and why!
Also they are working on building a visitors center up in Sesqwehana. This is where the Priesthood was restored in this dispensation. Its the last of the church history sites. But they have been fighting with the city to move the high way that runs right by it, there was a mayor or someone on the board who was fighting it mighty hard.
This man had family who was affected by the storm, Sandy. After the storm the church has sent volunteers upon volunteers to help with storm clean up and rebuilding where ever we can help. The family of this man had a lot of awesome interactions with the church members and they helped him, his family, his community etc. in such great ways that he heard about the mayor who was fighting getting the road moved. So he had a chat with him and told him his experience and that he had better be taking care of our church and its members since we took care of him and his family in their time of need.
The mayor came back and stopped fighting the road being moved. We now have it arranged and I believe construction is starting on the high way to move it.
The Lord works in mysterious ways I must say! What a miracle from an unexpected way.
I did get your package mom, thank you for the CD its great! We do have a CD player in our apt and our truck, so if anyone feels so inclined as to send me some uplifting music on CD that would be AWESOME! The rule is that it should be uplifting and not detract from the spirit. Doesn’t matter if its MOTAB or church published etc. oh and no romantic, so uh Keira? You wanna make me some :) I would love you forever!
Okay I guess I should fill you in on mission life and my fun stories :)
First my companion and I get along really well. We are pretty similar. Neither one of us is the 'oh my goodness your my best friend and favorite person ever!' kinda girl which is nice. She gets intimidated really easily, don’t worry not by me! I am nice to her! But she is intimidated by  some of our branch presidency and different people who I am surprised she is intimidated by. She is really sweet and very nice. If she needs to correct something she’s good about not doing it in an offensive way. Also she is not easily offended.... which is GOOD! Cause apparently I’m offensive, or so people tell me.
I give her a hard time however, but she does it right back. So this is her last transfer and then she is heading home! Which is scary because that means I am taking over our area, and also I will most likely be training because we have so many new sisters coming in. So instead of the normal 12 weeks to be trained into mission life and then have an older comp or two, yeah I get 6 weeks to learn it and then I will probably be teaching a golden... as a golden (greenie) which is scary.
Anyhow, we were at district meeting and sister Suckow was talking about how great her trainer is and what a great example she is, and what do I say about MY trainer? "yeah, it’s a little different when your trainer is about to die..." (die in mission speak = going home/done with the mission) and all of the Elders start hollering at her and oooh ing and  aaaaah ing. Sister Honomichl looks at me and glares and says something like "just you wait child!" (Mother/child in mission speak = trainer/train-ee). So my district leader asked me to call in safe that night. (We call our District leader every night to report that we are in and safe, so he wanted to hear my voice as proof that she didn’t kill me). Which was funny, and we’ve been laughing about it since.
Okay heres a great story. The first night in our area we have dinner with our ward mission leader, Brother Liggett. They had a roasted chicken and passed it to us to start. Sis Liggett asked Bro L to carve it for us but he said "The sisters can do it, use your hands animal style" and passes me the chicken. I am sitting there thinking where the heck am I? Because Montrose is very small, and so Im like wow we are red neck! So what do I do? I start digging into the chicken with my hands, 'animal style'. And Im trying for a minute to tear apart this chicken, and to no ones surprise it’s not working very well.
After a minute Sister Honomichl looks over at me and starts laughing. And I start asking her 'how am I supposed to do this?!' then of course the Liggetts look over and start laughing. Brother Liggett takes pitty on my and as I’m wiping the grease of my fingers he uses his fork and the fork that was on the other side of the chicken (which I couldn’t see) to tear apart the chicken so we could serve it.
Yeah for 'animal style'. I totally looked like a fool. Good thing it was just the Liggetts! Because we see them often enough that I can prove Im not completely idiotic.

Oh and the first lesson I go to teach. We go to teach this man named Louie. Louie is one of our investigators currently. He had a stroke a while ago and it has affected his left side so he uses a walker and such. He speech is a little hard to understand so I was following sister H for most of it. I don’t remember what we were teaching, but at the end we were talking about the 10 commandments and he listed them off. He got to 'thou shalt not kill' and then stopped and said 'yeah, I’ve only killed one man'. And I was thinking, no he didn’t just say that... there’s no way he would tell us that! I thought I misunderstood him. Sister Honomichl says 'haha, are you joking Louie?' and he says 'No! I’ve only killed one man!' He then tells us a story about how this (excuse my language, he is an old man) Black man, jumped onto his truck (like an 18 wheeler) while he was stopped at a stop light. He said 'the light turned green so what do you do? You go! So I went and when I did he fell off and got runned over.'
We promptly ended the lesson and walked out a little stunned, he went into a lot more detail and explained that it was okay because he was obviously going to rob him! Oh Louie, he’s a crazy old man!
Other things that have happened, well we had dinner with a member and we had Nathan's Hot Dogs! I thought mom would appreciate that, since she knows what those are, sorry if the rest of you don’t. We had dinner with family who invited their neighbors and they were from NY! I told them I was born in Queens and he said where? So he knew flushing then started asking me if I knew where x, y and z where so I told him I didn’t know.
Anyhow. Its been an exciting week! Love you all! Thanks for the emails and letters, hope all is well!
Also, in the next box you send mom, can you send some more vitamins? I just finished my multi vitamins and will run out of calcium soon. Anyhow, give my love to everyone!

Love, Sister Wilson

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