Since I got my call life has been a whirl wind of preparing. Interviews with the Stake President and his counselors, getting clothing and bags and shoes and everything purchased. I luckily don't have to get any more immunizations! Well at least not here, I have to get my last hepatitis shot in the field but that's not until July so ya know I'm not worrying about getting it quite yet.
Myself, Gpa and Mom |
Ive started in on the District videos, they are interesting to watch. Makes you feel like your not even close to prepared, and also makes you wanna get out there now!
Gpa and Me |
I got to go through the Temple as well. Grandpa was here. Stuart and Lindy tried to get here but they ended up totaling their car on the way so we told them to just go home while everyone was still safe. Apparently your not supposed to come because nothing was working out to get them here. But I was surrounded by many people from my ward which I dd want. My ward here is my family and since my imediate family couldn't be here I filled that room with other people who I love dearly.
Mommy and I |
Anyhow, I also have gotten a lot of letters from my fellow Sisters and I have been writting them back. I try to send my friends at least one DearElder letter so they get one while in the MTC. I just got two letters on saturday! One from a friend in the MTC still on her way to the Phillipines, and one who is in California oh and one from Georgia so I need to write them back this week.